Knowing the Image You Project

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In the tree-lined enclaves of Passaic’s Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, a Yeshiva bochur turned Data Analyst with expertise in AI, is creating Al tools that will prove indispensable to everyone in shidduchim. This does not exist anywhere else in the world. These AI tools will prove to be a must-have in the changing landscape of shidduchim.


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These features are integrated in Yismach. Yismach harnessed AI technology to aid shadchanim by comparing your “Looking For” with every possibility’s “About Me” for the best fit. This advancement has made the matchmaking process far more efficient. Further, Yismach’s AI provides insightful explanations on why specific pairings are suggested by shadchanim, based on the narratives

As Good as it Gets

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TRANSACTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS It is not love It is a negotiation. Marriages that start off or degenerate into transactional relationships will never be mutually satisfying and not sustainable. Even more egregious, it may possibly violate Torah commandments, including but not limited to the prohibition of not taking revenge (לא תקום) and to not to bear a

Speed Dating: Fast Lane to Nowhere

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Farce of Speed Dating In a world consumed by the allure of instant gratification, if not love at first sight, then never. In this dizzying, relentless merry-go-round, the ceaseless pursuit of a ‘meet cute’ moment, that fleeting spark of connection, the delusion of co-creation and manifestation, and the elusive assembly line of endless alternatives invariably

Shidduchim Made Easier with AI

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Groundbreaking AI integration enhances matchmaking efficacy while preserving the traditional shidduch system Yismach, a leading matchmaking organization, is proud to announce the extraordinary results of its groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered shidduch platform, which seamlessly integrates AI technology with the expertise of experienced shadchanim. In a recent test run, Yismach utilized advanced AI algorithms to

Love Hurts

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Marriages Built on Quicksand Marriages built on American values are doomed. America no longer calls it marriage, but partnership. They degraded a loving relationship to a functional, profitable entity to jointly accomplish common goals, a business arrangement as easily dissolved as formed. In addition, because of a culturally induced fear of intimacy, fear of commitment,

Shidduch Date Place: There is no Place Like Home

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Where is it written that a yeshiva bochur is obligated to pay a hotel for drinks or a restaurant for a meal, and taxi to take her home? It only engenders contempt. Both the guy who feels he is spending money he does not have and the girl who thereby is imbued with a false

TO BE or NOT TO BE What You Were Born to BE

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The concept that gender is neutral is being strongly promoted and enforced, with government forms required to be gender-neutral in America and Israel, and some states even criminalizing non-compliance. Additionally, the belief that children can choose their gender is gaining acceptance, but Jewish law expressly prohibits it. Castrating a man is strictly forbidden, according to

For Heaven’s Sake

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Modern man is driven by self-interest. Corporate America is built upon transactional relationships. Nothing is for nothing. If you want a favor, expect to grant a favor in return. Transactional romantic relationship is one where each gets something out of the relationship and gives something in return. Much like a business relationship, a quid pro

Sammy’s Inferno

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Herded like cattle headed to the slaughter. This is how I felt on the way to an event where hopefully, I will meet my one and only. When I got there, there was not one and not only. There was everybody and nobody. While trying to hide my own shame and despair, everyone corralled in